Other Resources
Historical Perspective and Study
Related Institutions and Projects
- Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
- Radiation Effects Research Foundation
- The Japan Peace Museum
- Shiba 1-4-9, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan
FAX: (011-81)3-3454-9800. - A Peace Museum Grass Roots House [Heiwa Shiryo-kan Kusa no Ie]
- 9-11 Masukata, Kochi
780 Japan
Tel: 0888-75-1275
Fax: 0888-21-0263 - Published The Flame of Hiroshima and Article 9 [Hiroshima no Hi]. based on a real story of the flame which was taken from Hiroshima, accompanied by 12-language versions of Article 9 which renounces war in the Japanese Constitution.
- A-Bomb WWW Museum
- This site is probably the best effort made by people in Japan to share information about the bombing of Hiroshima on-line. It begins with a brief informative introduction about the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki with their photographs, and leads the visitors to links to various subjects.
- Atomicarchive.com
- This site covers the science, history and consequences of the atomic age. It includes the detailed history section and stories of the first nuclear reactor and the first nuclear test in the New Mexico desert. There is an excellent colletion of photographs and other resources on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
- Nuclear Files - a project of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation
- The Nuclear Files is a very comprehensive research and reference site on nuclear matters (Hiroshima to sub-critical nuclear tests). The site provides categorized documentation on topics including Manhattan Project, Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Developing the Hydrogen Bomb, Nuclear Deterrence, Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, and Missile Defense.
- The Nuclear Weapon Archive
- Compilation of on-line sources about the physics and effects of nuclear weapons and more. Also, provides worldwide links to nuclear related sites.
- Hiroshima-remembered.com
- Developed for the 60th anniversary, Hiroshima-remembered.com is a new website bringing together a large collection of information about the only use of atomic weapons in warfare. The website contains original text, along with eyewitness accounts, rare photographs, videos and full color maps.
- Leo Szilard Home Page
- A gold mine of information, this page is a link to multitudes of information. The title of this page is deceiving: although Szilard is featured frequently, other information about every aspect of the atomic bomb is listed. Over 20 documents are listed "Atomic Bomb: Decision" section, the Franck Report, numerous petitions, and a telephone transcript between Groves and Oppenheimer. Web links to other Hiroshima and Nagasaki-related sites are also given, including general information about the city itself.
- Hiroshima: Was It Necessary?
- This frequently updated site is a good source of official narrative-challenging sources. Linked up to recent articles, other organizations, and other A-bomb sites, this simple page is a good starting place for controversial research. The bibliography linked to the page is amazingly extensive, including over 90 books and almost 40 articles. It also includes archival sources. These cites come from both sides of the issue, serving as an excellent reference guide for information from a United States perspective.
Medical & Scientific Documentation
This category is not our main focus, but here are some pointers for further search.
- Documentation and Diagrams of the Atomic Bomb
- Courtesy of Outlaw Labs, this site provides the history of the atomic bomb, nuclear fission, while also offering extensive technical data about the working of the bomb, even how to make one (although the authors advise against it). There are several sites that hold this same document in a better format, but this site is sufficiently understandable until a layperson tries to read the technical data. This site is a good source of history, and also very informational about the technical aspects of nuclear science. (Graphs and Diagrams included)
- The High Energy Weapons Archive
- Compilation of on-line sources about the physics and effects of nuclear weapons and more. Also, provides worldwide links to nuclear related sites.
- Atomicarchive.com
- The text of The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by The Manhattan Engineer District (1946)
- Radiation Effects Reserch Foundation
- Sources of Information about the History of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
- This site, created by the Radiation Effects Research Foundation, provides a list of publications containng information about the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC). It includes books and journals that would be seeking specific information about scientific studies done after the bomb.
- Tumor and Tissue Registries
- Damages Caused by Atomic Bombs
- Scientific Data of Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Disaster
- Data from Scientific Data Center for the Atomic Bomb Disaster, School of Medicine, Nagasaki University
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
Visual Record
- Photo Essay: Hiroshima - A Look Back
- A fascinating collection of Time/Life photographs with added information from who and where the photos were taken.
- Peace Park Tour
- This site is a tour of the Peace Park and the 60 memorials inside the park. It gives an overview of what each memorial contains and a picture of the memorial itself. What's fascinating about this site is one's ability to see the whole park and individual memorials located within it.
- Record of A-Bomb Disaster
- Insightful pictures of business area of Hiroshima, A-Bomb Dome, atomic cloud, atomic shadow and thermal radiation heat burns. There is one other photo, titled, "as if a rag." This picture can not be viewed, but does contain a caption that describes a little girl with strips of skin hanging from her arms and hands. Other pictures with disturbing scenes are labeled with a warning. This site is part of A-Bomb WWW Museum which has various other types of information concerning Hiroshima and the Atomic Bomb.
- Photographs of the Atomic Age
- This collection of photographs include images from Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Tinian, as well as other milestones in the atomic age.
- Photographs of the Hiroshima & Nagasaki
- Another collection of photographs from Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tinian, as well the human effects of the bombings.
- The Hiroshima/Nagasaki Legacy
- This site includes photographs of the Mushroom Clouds over Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Memorial Cenotaph in Hiroshima. At the bottom of the page there is an interesting selection from "Hiroshima Diary" by Michihiko Hachiya. The excerpt is powerful, yet only one small example of hibakusha literature.
- Photographs of Damage due to the Atomic Bomb
- A list of photographs containing mushroom cloud, various scenes of Hiroshima and before and after shots of city buildings. Pictures are aerial and ground shots. There are, however no pictures of hibakusha (atomic bomb victims). Each photo is accompanied by a short descriptive caption. This site is by the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation. Conditions for using the photographs returned from the U.S is included.