Historical Perspective and Study
- Memoirs & Survivors' Accounts (6)
- Novels (5)
- Poetry (1)
- Plays (4)
- Literary Criticism (1)
- Children's Books (9)
Memoirs & Survivors' Accounts
- Voice of Hibakusha (atomic-bomb survivors)
- Eye-witness accounts of the bombing of Hiroshima, from the video HIROSHIMA WITNESS produced by Hiroshima Peace Cultural Center and NHK (Japan's national TV station)
- Hachiya, Michihiko. .Hiroshima Diary; the journal of a Japanese physician, August 6-September 30, 1945 Warner Wells, trans. and ed. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1955.
- Minear, Richard ed. and trans. Hiroshima: Three Witnesses. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1990.
- Hara Tamiki. Summer flowers.
- Ota Yoko. City of corpses.
- Toge Sankich. Poems of the atomic bomb.
- Kanda, Mikio, ed. Taeko Midorikawa, trans. Widows of Hiroshima: The Life Stories of Nineteen Peasant Wives. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989.
- Cook, Haruko Taya and Theodore F. Cook. Japan at War: An Oral History. New York: New Press, 1992.
- Yamaguchi, Yuko. Kazuyo Yamane and Craig Delaney, trans. The Flame of Hiroshima and Article 9 [Hiroshima no Hi]. Kochi, Japan: A Peace Museum Grass Roots House [Heiwa Shiryo-kan Kusa no Ie], 1995. Originally, published by Shin'nihon Shuppan-sha, in 1988.
- Based on a real story of the flame which was taken from Hiroshima and kept burning by an atomic bomb survivor as a symbol for peace. The book has also Article 9 which renounces war in the Japanese Constitution, translated into twelve languages. The publisher will donate a copy of the book to libraries and Peace organizations around the world each time a copy sells. For more information, please contact:
- A Peace Museum Grass Roots House [Heiwa Shiryo-kan Kusa no Ie]
9-11 Masukata, Kochi
780 Japan
Tel: 0888-75-1275
Fax: 0888-21-0263
- Duras, Marguerite. Hiroshima Mon Amour. Richard Seaver, trans in English. New York: Grove Press, 1961.
- Ibuse, Masuji. Black Rain. New York: Kodansha International, 1979.
- Oda, Makoto. The Bomb. D. H. Whittaker, trans. New York: Kodansha International, 1990.
- Oe, Kenzaburo. Toshi Yonezawa and David L. Swain, trans. Hiroshima Notes. Tokyo: YMCA Press, 1981.
- Stroup, Dorothy. In the autumn wind. New York: Scribner, 1987.
- One family's reconstruction of its life in Hiroshima from the immediate aftermath of the bombing into the early 1950s.
- Toge Sankichi. "Poems of the Atomic Bomb." Hiroshima: Three Witnesses by Richard Minear. See the category "Novels" above.
For information about actual productions of the following entries, see Theater and Dance section in the Arts Directory.
- Hotta, Kiyomi. "The Island." After Apocalypse: Four Japanese Plays of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by Goodman, David G, ed. and trans. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell East Asia Program, 1994.
- Tanaka, Chikako. "The Head of Mary." The same as above.
- Betsuyaku, Minoru. "The Elephant." The same as above.
- Satoh, Makoto. "Nezumi Kozo: The Rat." The same as above.
Literary Criticism
- Treat, John Whittier. Writing Ground Zero: Japanese Literature and the Atomic Bomb. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.
Children's Books
Text in English
- Maruki, Toshi. The Flash of Hiroshima [Hiroshima no Pika].. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1982.
- Morimoto, Junko. My Hiroshima. New York: Viking, 1990.
- Krauthammer, Charles. Hiroshima, Mon Petit. Time. Volume 145, No. 13 March 27, 1995.
- An essay about books for children dealing with human sufferings including Hiroshima.
Text in Japanese
Naoko Ogusu in Japan contributed to this compilation.
- Imanishi, Sukeyuki. Hiroshima no Uta [A Song of Hiroshima]. Iwasaki-shoten, 1995.
- Maruki, Toshi. Hiroshima no Pika. [The Flash of Hiroshima]. Komine Shoten Co., Ltd., 1980.
- Matsutani, Miyoko. Futari no Eda [Two Edas]. Tokyo: Kodan-sha, 1976.
- Oe, Hide. Hachi-gatsu ga Kurutabini [Every Time August Comes]. Riron-sha, 1971.
- Yamamoto, Mariko. Hiroshima no Shimai [The Sisters of Hiroshima]. Iwasaki Shoten, 1983.
- Yamamoto, Mariko. Hiroshima no Tomo [The Friend(s) of Hiroshima]. Iwasaki Shoten, 1995.