Atomic Energy for Military Purposes (The Smyth Report)





6.40. As we have seen, the initial objectives of the Metallurgical Laboratory had been reached by the end of 1942, but the ultimate objectives, the production of large quantities of plutonium and the design and fabrication of bombs, were still far from attained. The responsibility for the design and fabrication of bombs was transferred to another group at about this time; its work is reported in Chapter XII. The production of Pu-239 in quantity has remained the principal responsibility of the Metallurgical Laboratory although shared with the du Pont Company since the end of 1942.

6.41. On the basis of the evidence available it was clear that a plutonium production rate somewhere between a kilogram a month and a kilogram a day would be required. At the rate of a kilogram a day, a 500,000 to 1,500,000 kilowatt plant would be required. (The ultimate capacity of the hydroelectric power plants at the Grand Coulee Dam is expected to be 2,000,000 kw.) Evidently the creation of a plutonium production plant of the required size was to be a major enterprise even without attempting to utilize the thermal energy liberated. Nevertheless, by November 1942 most of the problems had been well defined and tentative solutions had been proposed. Although these problems will be discussed in some detail in the next chapter, we will mention them here.

6.42. Since a large amount of heat is generated in any pile, producing appreciable amounts of plutonium, the first problem of design is a cooling system. Before such a system can be designed, it is necessary to find the maximum temperature at which a pile can run safely and the factors - nuclear or structural- which determine this temperature. Another major problem is the method for loading and unloading the uranium, a problem complicated by the shielding and the cooling system. Shielding against radiation has to be planned for both the pile itself and the chemical separation plant. The nature of the separation plant depends on the particular separation process to be used, which has to be decided. Finally, speed of procurement and construction must be primary factors in the planning of both the pile and the chemical plant.


6.43. After examining the principal factors affecting plant design, i.e., cooling, efficiency, safety, and speed of construction, the "Feasibility Report" suggested a number of possible plant types in the following order of preference:

  1. (a) Ordinary uranium metal lattice in a graphite moderator with helium cooling. (b) The same, with water cooling. (c) The same, with molten bismuth cooling.
  2. Ordinary uranium metal lattice in a heavy-water moderator.
  3. Uranium enriched in the 235 isotope using graphite, heavy water, or ordinary water as moderator.

Types II and III were of no immediate interest since neither enriched uranium nor heavy water was available. Development of both these types continued however, since if no other type (proved feasible they might have to be used. Type I (e), calling for liquid bismuth cooling, seemed very promising from the point of view of utilization of the thermal energy released, but it was felt that the technical problems involved could not be solved for a long time.


6.44. During this period, the latter half of 1942, when production plants were being planned, it was recognized that a plant of intermediate size was desirable. Such a plant was needed for two reasons: first, as a pilot plant; second, as a producer of a few grams of plutonium badly needed for experimental purposes. Designed as an air-cooled plant of 1,000-kw capacity, the intermediate pile constructed at Clinton, Tennessee, might have served both purposes if helium cooling had been retained for the main plant. Although the plans for the main plant were shifted so that water cooling was called for, the pilot plant was continued with air cooling in the belief that the second objective would be reached more quickly. It thus ceased to be a pilot plant except for chemical separation. Actually the main plant was built without benefit of a true pilot plant, much as if the hydroelectric generators at Grand Coulee had been designed merely from experience gained with a generator of quite different type and of a small fraction of the power.


6.45. As reviewed by Hilberry in the "Feasibility Report" of November 26,1942, the prospects for a graphite pile with helium cooling looked promising as regards immediate production; the pile using heavy water for moderator and using heavy water or ordinary water as coolant looked better for eventual full-scale use. A number of specific proposals were made for construction of such plants and for the further study of the problems involved. These proposals were based on time and cost estimates which were necessarily little better than rough guesses. As the result of further investigation the actual program of construction-described in later chapters-has been quite different from that proposed.


6.46. The procurement problem which had been delaying progress was essentially solved by the end of 1942. A small self-sustaining graphite-uranium pile was constructed in November 1942, and was put into operation for the first time on December 2, 1942, at a power level of ½ watt and later at 200 watts. It was easily controllable thanks to the phenomenon of delayed neutron emission. A total of 500 micrograms of plutonium was made with the cyclotron and separated chemically from the uranium and fission products. Enough was learned of the chemistry of plutonium to indicate the possibility of separation on a relatively large scale. No great advance was made on bomb theory, but calculations were checked and experiments with fast neutrons extended. If anything, the bomb prospect' looked more favorable than a year earlier.

6.47. Enough experimenting and planning were done to delineate the problems to be encountered in constructing and operating a large-scale production plant. Some progress was made in choice of type of plant, first choice at that time being a pile of metallic uranium and graphite, cooled either by helium or water. A specific program was drawn up for the construction of pilot and production plants. This program presented time and cost estimates.