1933 October - Szilard recollects that "It occurred to me in October, 1933 that a chain reaction might be set up if an element could be found that would emit two neutrons when it swallowed one neutron."This idea became a classified British patent in 1935 before the fission was discovered. More » 1949 October 30 - General Advisory Committee of the AEC recommends that the more powerful atomic bombs should be built rather than hydrogen bombs. More » 1953 October 3 - First British atomic detonation, Monte Bello Islands, Australia. More »
October 31 - U.S. explodes first fusion device, Mike, of 10.4 Mt at Eniwetok. 1961 October 31 - U.S.S.R. explodes the largest nuclear bomb, with a yield of a 58 megatons. More » 1964 October 16 - China (PRC) explodes first nuclear bomb. More » 2006 October 9 - North Korea conducts first nuclear test. The device probably fizzled. More »