Security Memo: de Silva to Bainbridge

- February 14, 1945


Subject: Trinity.

  1. Inasmuch as you are generally in charge of the Trinity operation, it is requested that you cause the following security precautions to be disseminated to all personnel who may visit Trinity.
    1. Departing groups or individuals will stop by the undersigned’s office for an explanation of security objectives at Trinity. This will be done immediately before departure. Each individual need receive this explanation only once, but will receive it regardless of the number of previous trips to Trinity. This talk will be given by Lt. R. A. Taylor.
    2. All personnel going to Trinity will sleep and eat at the camp site, and not in nearby towns. The practice of eating and sleeping at the local hotel will be stopped at once. Lt. Howard Bush advises that he is equipped to provide these services to all persons.
    3. While at Trinity, recreating trips for movies, dinners, etc., to nearby towns will not be made by any personnel. Officers and enlisted men are under military orders which prohibit such activities, and civilians are expected to comply to the letter and the spirit of this rule.
    4. There will be a civilian representative of my office at Trinity at all times after 15 February 1945. This person will carry a letter identification signed by me, and may be called on for advice in security matters. He will also aid in providing official communication facilities, after requests for same have been cleared through Lt. Bush.
    5. Questions regarding laundry, mail, cleaning, etc., should be referred to Lt. Bush, or, in his absence, my representative.
  2. Starting on 1 March 1945, badges will be issues to all individuals who visit Trinity except for the permanent complement of troops stationed there. All Site Y personnel will secure such badges from Lt. Taylor prior to initial departure for Trinity. Lt. Bush will have a badge supply to care for visitors who may not come to Site Y. These badges must be worn at all times while at Trinity, as the MP’s have been instructed to apprehend individuals found without badges in our area. Badges lost at Trinity must be reported at once to Lt. Bush or to my representative. Badges will be turned in at Trinity upon departure, as Lt. Bush may direct. Badges will not be removed from Trinity.
  3. Your comments on this memorandum are requested.

Peer de Silva,
Major, Corps of Engineers
Area Intelligence Officer

Cc - Col. G. R. Tyler
Lt. H. C. Bush
J. R. Oppenheimer