1943 March 15 - Oppenheimer moves the bomb development to Los Alamos. More » 1954 March 1 - The 'BRAVO' H-bomb test; Marshall Islanders and the crew of the "Lucky Dragon"are affected by fallout More » 1970 March 5 - Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty enters into force; 100 nations ratify it by 1980. More » 1971 March 30 - U.S. deploys Poseidon SLBM. 1979 March 28 - Three Mile Island Nuclear Power plant near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania suffers a partial core meltdown. Minimal radioactive material is released. 1983 March 23 - President Reagan announces SDI (or commonly known as "Star Wars") program. More » 1996 March 25 - The United States, France, and United Kingdom sign The Treaty of Rarotonga, which created a South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone. China and C.I.S had already signed the treaty. More » 2006 March 2 - India and the United States seal a landmark civilian nuclear cooperation pact. 2009 March 23 - Five central Asian nations sign the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. 2011 March 11 - 8.9 magnitude earthquake damages the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plants which automatically shut down during the earthquake. But after subsequent cooling failures, three of them went into partial meltdown. Spent fuel pools are also exposed. Residents within a 20km radius evacuated. Radiation has been detected off site. More »