Fat Man

Fat Man replica

This weapon casing is identical to that used for the Fat Man atomic bomb.

Fat Man was the second, and last nuclear weapon used in warfare. Dropped on Nagasaki, Japan on August 9, 1945, Fat Man devastated more than two square miles and caused more than 45,000 immediate deaths. Fat Man was an implosion device. Several thousand pounds of conventional high explosives surrounded a ball shaped, sub-critical mass of plutonium (Pu-239). At the time of detonation, implosion - which had been tested at the Trinity Site - again took place. The plutonium then went into the supercritical stage. It exploded with the force of approximately 20 kilotons of TNT.

Length 10 feet 8 inches (3.25 m)
Diameter 60 inches (1.52 m)
Weight 10,800 pounds (4898.8 kg)
Yield 20 kilotons