After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Soviet nuclear arsenal was spread among four countries: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. All nuclear warheads have now been returned to Russia and the other three countries have entered the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty as nuclear-free states.

SS-N-18, Mod-1 Stingray (RSM-50) SLBM
Range: 3,500 nautical miles
Number Deployed: 176
RVs/Missile: 3 MIRVs
Yield/RV 500 kilotons
CEP: 0.75 naut. miles
Fuel: 2 stage liquid
Initial Operational Capability: 1978
Deployment: On 11 Delta-3 submarines
Comment: 16 missiles per Delta-3
SS-N-20, Mods 1/2 Sturgeon (RSM-52) SLBM
Range: 4,500 nautical miles
Number Deployed: 60
RVs/Missile: 10 MIRVs
Yield/RV 200 kilotons
CEP: 0.25 naut. miles
Fuel: 3 stage solid
Initial Operational Capability: 1981
Deployment: On 3 Typhoon submarines
Comment: 20 missiles per Typhoon. Stellar Inertial guidance (SIG) for midcourse and terminal updates.
SS-N-23 Skiff (RSM-54) SLBM
Range: 4,500 nautical miles
Number Deployed: 112
RVs/Missile: 4 MIRVs
Yield/RV 100 kilotons
CEP: 0.5 naut. miles
Fuel: 3 stage liquid
Initial Operational Capability: 1985
Deployment: On 7 Delta-4 submarines
Comment: 16 missiles per Delta-4
Source: Bulletin of Atomic Scientists and Federation of American Scientists